Huzzah and hosannah, we're cultural!
Happy New Year, and a spiffingly cultural 12 months ahead, to capitalise on being in Liverpool. These pics were taken in the opening moments of the year, with Great George tolling from the cathedral tower, and a gospel choir singing Beatles songs (natch) supported by a couple of thousand natives clustered below the falling fire. And who should I bump into on the way out? None but the main man of the moment, Kris Donaldson, now charged with delivering Liverpool Culture Co's 12 months of jollity. Here he is, in the golden glow of the street lights, looking suitably cheery.
So - if you're in Liverpool, make the most of it, have fun, enjoy the ride. If you're not in Liverpool – come and see us, join in, spread the good word, and come and see us again. Lots.