I'm a genius, I tell you. I should be on telly as a racing pundit.
I have long maintained that when it comes to picking winners, I'm the nag's knees. When I pick a horse for the Grand National, and back it, it falls/goes backwards/heads for the beach. If I pick a horse and don't put any money on it, it wins.
I didn't put any money on Silver Birch on Saturday. It won. Ditto Lucius in 1978, and Amberleigh House; unditto the winning non-winner Esha Ness and a string of losers in past years. Ipso facto, QED, I obviously have a spooky superconscious link to the future.
How much is it worth to trainers (let alone bookies) to make sure I don't back their darlings next year?
Maybe I should test my extraterrestial sensitoritivitiness on other races.
I smell a fortune coming my way.