Malc on the BBC
Well, on the site at BBC Cumbia, actually... but next stop Hollywood...
This is a photo from the book 'Time and tide: 200 years of the Bibby Line Group' published on 8 Feb. Malcolm (pictured here with Mrs Liz Goodyear outside the George and Dragon Hotel in Dent) drives a tanker for Bibby Distribution, collecting milk from farms in the South Lakes. Bibby's drivers at Crooklands collect 450,000 litres of milk a day, from 250 farms. These pictures make it look like a cushy number, but it was a glorious August day (all week before it had been hissing down, and the day after it was thick fog) and we were having a laugh. But according to Bibby's fleet manager the milk collection is one of the toughest jobs in distribution - so these pics show the best of a good day. While you're looking at these pics (use this link), overlay sheeting rain and biting wind, or black ice on the roads and frozen mud in the yards. What it takes for us to get our pint of milk...